Enviar una solicitud

Si el producto sobre el que realiza la consulta fue comprado a un distribuidor de SATO, póngase en contacto directamente con el distribuidor para obtener un servicio y soporte oportuno y sin inconvenientes. SATO tiene derecho a redirigir la solicitud a su distribuidor después de verificar los detalles del producto solicitado. Al marcar la casilla, acepta colaborar con SATO para esta consulta.

Por favor, describa su solicitud o consulta lo más detalladamente posible.

Please select your product category.

Applications used during the event.

Driver version and settings

The operating system and its version used during the event.

The interface type is used during the event.

Label Type (e.g. RFID UHF label) & Size (Width [mm] x Height [mm])

Questions: Inquiries about products, applications, and services. Incidents: Report of serious incidents occurrences that threatening safety. Problems: Report issues of products, applications, or services. Tasks: Special assignment request.

Service contract reference number with SATO.

Product firmware version installed.

The user who is submitting the request.

Your reseller name, if applicable.

Your company name.

The contact number is required. Kindly provide your phone or mobile number.

SATO will process your personal data in accordance with its privacy policy. Please refer to the privacy policy (https://www.sato-global.com/privacy/) and accept it before you enter your personal data. By ticking the privacy policy box, you acknowledge that you have read and understood it, and will comply with it.

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