SATO-Logic™ is the 8th generation wide web laser printer controller. It includes technology improvements, adjustments to industry trends, and foundation for future features and enhancements.
- Accepts USB media to manage the printer and controller settings, and diagnostic features
- Print from a file (USB) option to test or short run
- Print via file transfer: FTP or TFTP
- Simplification of menus
- The focus of the settings and parameters for emulations and emulation features has been revised to applicable subjects
- Save printer configurations using either the traditional 3-digit number format or simple names (20 characters)
- Legacy communication ports have been cleaned up
- The support of end of life printer models and options have been removed
- Clearer and concise user pages, recognized by the SATO-Logic branding
- These detailed reports, fit on 8.5” x 11” sheet making them easy to share.
- The status page is broken into three sections: Hardware, Communications, and Current Configuration. These sections are dynamically created when requested to reflect the concise settings.
- The Configuration Page report is simplified to eliminate confusion. As emulations, options and settings are selected, only the applicable parameters are listed, thereby eliminating confusion.
- Time and Usage page illustrates in clear progressing bar-graph format the life remaining of all PM intervals and consumables.
- Capture files sent to the print spooler (LPR/CUPS)
- Improved service and support capabilities with:
- Additional logs for network and emulation issues
- Clearer set-up options and defaults
- Network connection verification and error handling
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